When a site’s useful life comes to an end, we help bring the project to a successful close with decommissioning and closure services.

Our government, industrial, oil and gas, power and mining clients turn to our highly skilled experts in hazardous and industrial waste cleanup for effective and responsible decommissioning and closure services. For government clients, we safely remediate high-risk, technically complex projects and programs at nuclear and hazardous waste sites. Our highly skilled experts apply rigorous safety procedures that enable effective and responsible solutions to projects at large chemical and nuclear weapons sites. For industrial companies, we provide environmental site assessments, demolition and remediation services for both greenfield and brownfield development. For mining clients, we develop innovative solutions for mine closure and reclamation, transforming former mines into wetlands, farmland and recreational areas. For oil and gas clients, we remediate, decommission and close facilities that are no longer operational, including offshore platforms, pipelines and service and supply stations. For the power industry, we provide comprehensive services for the decontamination and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and reactor units, from project planning through waste disposal and cleanup. When plants are ready for closure, we draw on experience gained from building, updating and retrofitting nuclear power plants to dismantle and decommission them safely.

Representative Services:

  • Asset Recovery and Evaluation
  • Deactivation, Decontamination, Decommissioning and Demolishment
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Industrial and Nuclear Waste Removal
  • Pipeline Removal
  • Reclamation
  • Site Assessments
  • Structure and Facility Demolition
  • Waste Treatment and Disposal